Docker cheet sheet
Docker Cheat Sheet is a nice documentation. It provides us Docker basic commands and system and It's easy to understand. But there are less exaples, I reconstructed it with real examples.
Set up
Pull a base image.
docker pull ubuntu
It's annoy to restore Container ID, you may forget to restore. You can set below alias. With this, you can get the ID of the last-run Container (15 Docker tips in 5 minutes)
alias dl='docker ps -l -q'
To create a Container.
docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"
To stop a Container.
docker stop `dl`
To start a Container.
docker start `dl`
To restart a Container.
docker restart `dl`
To Connect to a running Container.
docker attach `dl`
To copy file in a Container to the host.
docker cp `dl`:/etc/passwd .
To mount the directory in host to a Container.
docker run -v /home/vagrant/test:/root/test ubuntu echo yo
To delete a Container.
dockr rm `dl`
Info of Container
To show running Containers. With
option, it shows running and stopped Containers.docker ps
To show Container information like IP adress.
docker inspect `dl`
To show log of a Container.
docker logs `dl`
To show running process in a Container.
docker top `dl`
To create a image from a Container. For tag name, <username>/<imagename> isrecommended.
docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "apt-get install -y hello"
docker commit -m "My first container" `dl` tcnksm/hello
To create a image with Dockerfile.
echo -e "FROM base\nRUN apt-get install hello\nCMD hello" > Dockerfile
docker build tcnksm/hello .
To login to a image.
docker run -rm -t -i tcnksm/hello /bin/bash
To push a imges to remote repository. You need to sign up to Docker index in advance. Exmple uploaded image.
docker login
docker push tcnksm/hello
To delete a image
docker rmi tcnkms/hello
Info of Image
To show all images
What is a Docker Container? In Part 1 of this series, we explore the Docker open source project. Visit Part 2, to learn how Docker open sources containers work.Docker container is an open source software development platform. Its main benefit is to package applications in “containers,” allowing them to be portable among any system running the Linux operating system (OS).Container technology has been around for a while, but momentum and hype around Docker’s approach to containers has pushed this approach to the forefront in the last year. It is one form of container technology.docker images
To show image information like IP adress.
docker inspect tcnksm/hello
To show command history of a image.
docker history tcnksm/hello
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