Facing issue in sudo apt-get in container ,image
First check if you have connection, ping directly to ip
that archive.ubuntu.com
is pointed to:ping
If you still can't reach the host it's not a dns problem.
Also if you have internet connection, you can make a hack. Just put a row into
file and problem solved: archive.ubuntu.com
some other basic concepts of linux
Keep in mind that the following commands are just a few of the many that exist. I included these because they are often the most frequently used. If you would an entire list go here.
cal-display a calendar
cat-display contents of a file
cd-change directory
chmod-change access permisions
clear-clear the terminal screen
cp-copy file(s) to another location
date-display date
echo-display a message in the terminal screen
exit-close the terminal window
find-search for file(s)
install-(this is where common sense is used...)
ls-list info for file(s) from whatever directory you are in
netstat-displays network statistics
ping-test network connection
su-change to root user
su (user name)-change to name in parentathes
wget-retrieve files from the internet
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